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Terrible design prompts and advice for new designers.



Figma, Photoshop

While this is meant to be taken lightly, I do think there’s value in some of the activities. Maybe when starting a project, designers should create a personal persona and interview themselves to identify their own biases within the project. Having artifacts that represent these biases could be a helpful tool in avoidance.

Additionally, by saying hello to ridiculousness I hope to create recognition between it and doing good work. Design isn't a binary of "good" and "bad", but when it comes to design ethics there should be a sense of responsibility to not be an asshole. Not all designers recognize that - maybe this helps.

At the very least, making BDFB helped me draw out those distinctions more clearly and cement them while I was learning. There are so many ways that things can go wrong, a lot of them are great lessons. I’m embracing the bad as a catalyst for the good and intend to keep adding to it as I make more mistakes.


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